Sunday, April 27, 2008

Singing Is Praying

"Singing is praying twice" - so said the great Saint Augustine. Viewed in the light of true active participation in the Mass, singing finds its meaning. It is here where one lifts heart and mind to God. Besides the contemplative side of the Mass, it necessary to participate in the active sense, ie, responses and prayer. In the lecture “Liturgy and Church Music” given by our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI speaks of the bond between singing and participation in the Mass:

Mere words do not suffice when man praises God. Discourse with God goes beyond the boundaries of human speech. Hence by its very nature the liturgy has everywhere called upon the help of music, of singing, and of the voices of creation in the sounds of instruments. The praise of God, after all, does not involve only man. To worship God means to join in that of which all creatures speak.1

In singing the hymns, one must not look at them as a set of lyrics put to a tune. That is pop music and other secular music is concerned with. Sacred music is holy music; and holy means “to be set apart.” Within the sacred music and hymns, there are lines of prayer (the verses). These verses make up the prayer which is given breathe and beautiful through the melody. By singing to the best of our abilities (no matter how un-professional it may sound, one is able to lift the use of language and truth back to God as a holy offering, just as incense symbolizes the lifting up of our prayers to God. It is also here in hymn where we can meditate on its prayer while still actively expressing it. Thus, singing during the Mass is important in order to fully participate in offering worship to God. Since all men have the ability to participate in the Mass and the ability to worship God, everyone has the ability to pray. And, according to one of the most illustrious saints of the Church, ie, St. Augustine, singing is praying this prayer of the Mass twice.

-Richard Kochel

Music Director and Principal Organist of Christ the Teacher Chapel